a. A candidates' list shall not participate in elections to the Knesset, and a person shall not be a candidate for election to the Knesset, if the objects or actions of the list or the actions of the person, including what he says, expressly or by implication, include one of the following:
(1) negation of the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state;
(2) incitement to racism;
(3) support of armed struggle, by a hostile state or a terrorist organization, against the State of Israel.
a1. For the purposes of this section, a candidate that was at a hostile state unlawfully within the seven years preceding the date for submitting the candidates' list, is deemed a person whose actions express support of armed struggle against the State of Israel, as long as he has not proven otherwise.
b. The decision of the Central Elections Committee that a candidate is prevented from participating in the elections requires the approval of the Supreme Court of Israel.
c. A candidate will make a declaration for the purposes of this section.
d. Particulars regarding the hearing at the Central Elections Committee and at the Supreme Court of Israel, as well as regarding a declaration under subsection (c) shall be prescribed by law.