Palestine National Council
Sixth Session
Political Statement
Cairo, 6 September 1969
The Sixth Palestine National Council was held in Cairo from September 1-6, 1969. It was attended by representatives of the following Palestinian movements and organisations:
3. The Movement for Palestinian National Liberation (Fateh).
4. The Organisation of the Vanguard of the Popular War of Liberation.
5. The Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
9. Students', Workers', Writers' and Women's Associations.
The stage in which this meeting was held was an important and critical one in view of the circumstances now attending on armed struggle. The first stage of the development of the struggle into a full-scale popular war inside the occupied territories was overshadowed by the conspiracies of the various enemy and counter-revolutionary forces.
In view of this, the forces represented this session at the National Council were more representative of the Palestinian people. Care was taken to ensure the representation of Palestinian forces active in the field of armed struggle as well as of federations, trades unions and experts who are working in the national field.
In its resolutions and recommendations the Council reaffirmed the determination of the people of Palestine to reject all solutions leading to surrender, especially the United Nations Security Council resolution of November 22, 1967. It affirmed that the goal of the Palestine revolution is the achievement of the total and complete liberation of all the territory of Palestine from Zionist occupation, which is based on Israel and which has the forces of world imperialism supporting it. It declared the determination of the people of Palestine to go forward with their revolution until victory is achieved and a Palestinian democratic state is created, free of all forms of religious and social discrimination.
The Council asserted that the method followed by the revolution is armed struggle, supported by other forms of struggle, to recover the usurped homeland. The instruments of revolution are the Arab masses inside and outside the occupied territory, supported by the increasing participation of the struggling Arab masses and various other forces of liberation and progress in the world.
The Council affirmed, in all its deliberations and recommendations, the complete independence of Palestinian action and its rejection of all attempts to impose influence, domination, repression or tutelage from any quarter. The Council, however, preferred not to stress the national and human dimensions of the Palestine revolution which it regarded as part of the Arab revolution and of the international liberation movement ..
The action of the United States, the leader of world imperialism, in delivering Phantom aircraft to Israel, is one more indication of the extent to which world imperialism and Zionism are acting in collusion in threatening the entire Arab world through their base, Israel.
To confront the imperialist-Zionist challenge, it is essential that the Arab masses should form a solid front to protect the Palestinian revolution and to support the steadfastness of our people in occupied Palestine. They must call upon the Arab governments to fulfil their obligations to the Palestinian revolution, especially their commitments to the Palestine Liberation Organisation.
The National Council reaffirmed its policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of Arab states, provided these states undertake not to impede the progress of the revolution, the liberty of Palestinian action and the right of our people to determine their destiny and safeguard their cause.
Bearing these principles in mind, the Council debated the crisis that has been fabricated in Lebanon; it emphasised the right of the Palestinian masses to freedom of action and movement in any Arab territory and condemned all attempts to use force against our unarmed masses in their camps.
While condemning these suspect expedients which can be of service only to the designs of imperialism and Zionism, the National Council wishes to express to the Arab people of Lebanon its appreciation for their support of the Palestinian revolution.
The Council paid special attention to the problem of national unity, affirming its determination to continue its efforts to achieve it in the most complete form so that it may help to escalate and develop the armed struggle. The Council recommended that the measures undertaken to unify the collection of financial contributions be finalised, especially in Jordan. It recommended that the Palestine Liberation Army be strengthened and developed to meet the needs of the future. It delegated the task of providing medical services to all combatants to the Palestine Red Crescent, and called on the Executive Committee to increase its welfare services for the families of killed, wounded and prisoners.
The Council discussed ways and means of placing the revolution on a more scientific basis so that revolutionary action may be, both in theory and in practice, based upon planning programming and statistics. It therefore resolved to strengthen the Palestine Planning Centre by supplying it with the necessary staff and equipment.
One of the most important resolutions adopted by the Council during this session was the decision to establish a revolutionary tribunal to be the only legal body empowered to pass judgements ensuring justice, safeguarding the security of the revolution and frustrating attempts to destroy it inspired by the enemy or his agents.
The Council sanctioned full interaction between the Palestine liberation movement and liberation movements in the Arab homeland and the world at large. It also expressed its appreciation to all friendly nations and states and to all forces of liberation in the world for their support of the struggle of the people of Palestine.
The Council resolved to salute the struggling masses in the occupied territories and to express its appreciation and admiration for their firm resistance to Israeli occupation, affirming that these struggling masses are the greatest guarantee of success for our revolution.
Revolutionary masses,
The Council is aware of the attempts that are being made to contain and conspire against our cause and our revolution. But basing ourselves upon the resolve of the Palestinian and Arab masses to continue the armed struggle until the total liberation of our usurped homeland is achieved, whatever the cost in sacrifice, we pledge ourselves to be faithful to the cause of revolution and to lead it forward to victory and liberation.
Source: International Documents on Palestine, 1969. Beirut: Institute for Palestine Studies, 1972, p. 778-780.