Declaration of Jordan’s National Assembly
On the Unity between the Eastern and Western Banks of Jordan
Amman, 24 April 1950
Confirming the nation’s confidence and acknowledging the efforts undertaken by His Majesty Abdullah ben Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, for the realization of national aspirations,
And on the basis of the right of self-determination, the existing situation of both Eastern and Western banks of the Jordan, their national, natural and geographical unity, and the necessities of their common interests and vital space,
Jordan’s National Assembly, representing both banks, Decides and declares the following on this day, Monday 24 April 1950:
1. To uphold the complete unity between the two banks of the Jordan, the Eastern and Western, and their binding in one single state: The Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan, under the crown of His Hashemite Majesty King Abdullah ben Hussein. This shall be based on parliamentary constitutional rule and complete equality in rights and duties of all the citizens.
2. To reaffirm the preservation of Arab rights in Palestine in their entirety, to defend them with all possible legitimate means and as of right, and to avoid prejudicing the final settlement of Palestine's just cause within the framework of national aspirations, Arab cooperation and international justice.
3. To submit this decision, which has been adopted by the two Houses of the National Assembly, the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, representing both banks of the Jordan, to His Majesty the King, so it enters into force upon royal ratification.
4. To have this decision proclaimed and implemented by the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan upon royal ratification and to have it notified to the sister Arab states and the friendly foreign states through the usual diplomatic means.