Caption [translated]
[Numbers below correspond to numbers appearing in the cartoon itself according to the Hindu numeral system; Arabic numerals have been superimposed on the cartoon to facilitate ease of matching with the caption entries.]
(1) This cartoon shows the late Lord Balfour holding in his hand his ill-fated promise to make Palestine a national homeland for the Jews after he placed it in economic and political conditions that facilitated the implementation of the promise which has made this country groan from the enormity of its injustice, has almost destroyed its people and given all their lands to the Jews. The cartoon shows the state of Palestine today, a sad and heartbreaking situation that calls for vigilance and caution.
(2) On the coast of Palestine, on the Jaffa shore, a ship lands new Jewish immigrants to Palestine, confirming that Jewish immigration has not ceased and that the doors of the country are still open to the homeless Jew but closed to the Palestinian Arab emigrants who want to return to their country but are not allowed.
(3) A roller symbolizes the new roads that are opened and paved between the Jewish settlements to connect them with one another and with the main cities, while the roads leading to the Arab villages and cities are desolate and rough. What is important to know is that public works in the country have been taken over by the Jews thanks to the Balfour Declaration as well.
(4) An Arab family expelled by the Jews from the land they used to farm and make a living from after the “Effendi” sold this land to the Jews. This family is wandering in the wilderness, as did many Arab families before it.
(5) A symbolic image of a Jewish farmer cultivating the land after he received it from the Keren Kayemet Society and expelled the Arabs from it.
(6) The Dead Sea and next to it, a building constructed by the Jewish Tulloch [Thomas Gregorie Tulloch] and Novomeysky [Moshe Novomeysky] company which has taken the concession for the extraction of salt and minerals and the treasures contained within them!
7) The concession for the power plant on the Jordan River that lights the cities of Palestine has been given to the Jewish company Rutenberg [Pinhas Rutenberg].
(8) A Jewish factory symbolizes the increase of Jewish factories in the country and their attempt to flood the markets of Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Transjordan, etc. This symbolizes the ambition of the Jews to take over the commercial services of the Arab countries, if they have not already taken over most of them.
(9) A symbolic image of the Arabs bickering and quarreling, oblivious to the loss of their lands and the Zionist colonizer's appropriation of all the facilities of life in their country.
(10) The representative of the government of His Majesty the King of Britain and Emperor of India watching the representation of this tragedy, pleased with the implementation of the Balfour Declaration, surrounded by the means of war and destruction, including cannons, tanks, aircraft, and battleships, and for which an unjust policy required to build a base and port in Haifa at the expense of the people of Palestine. We do not know who helped implement this fateful [Balfour] promise, the English or the Arabs of the country. This is the sad state that the country has reached, and there is no help but God.