Security Council
Guyana, Iraq, Mauritania, United Republic of Cameroon and
United Republic of Tanzania: draft resolution
5 December 1975
The Security Council,
Having considered the question inscribed in its agenda at the 1859th meeting,
Having noted the contents of the letter of the Permanent Representative of Lebanon (S/11892) and of the letter of the Permanent Representative of Egypt (S/11893),
Having heard the statements of the Permanent Representatives of Lebanon, Egypt, the Syrian Arab Republic and the representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization,
Recalling its previous relevant resolutions,
Deploring Israel’s defiance of these resolutions,
Grieved at the tragic loss of human life caused by indiscriminate and massive Israeli air attacks,
Gravely concerned about the deteriorating situation resulting from Israel’s violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and of Security Council resolutions,
Convinced that Israeli massive air attacks against Lebanon were premeditative in nature,
1. Strongly condemns the Government of Israel for its premeditated air attacks against Lebanon in violation of its obligations under the United Nations Charter and of Security Council resolutions;
2. Calls upon Israel to desist forthwith from all military attacks against Lebanon;
3. Issues once again a solemn warning to Israel that if such attacks were repeated, the Council would have to consider taking appropriate steps and measures to give effect to its decisions.
The Security Council on 8 December 1975 voted on the draft resolution as follows:
In favour: Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, China, France, Guyana, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Mauritania, Sweden, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Cameroon, United Republic of Tanzania.
Against: United States of America.
Abstained: Costa Rica.