

al-Manshiyya — المَنْشِيَّة
Known also as: Khirbat Manshiyya
Average Elevation
25 m
Distance from Tulkarm
12.5 km
Year Arab Total
1944/45 260
Land Ownership (1944/45) in dunums
Year Arab Jewish Public Total
1944/45 12520 3835 415 16770
Land Use (1944/45) in dunums
Use Arab Jewish Public Total
Non-Cultivable & Built-up (Total)
Use Arab Public Total
Non-Cultivable 22 415 437
22 415 437 (3%)
Cultivable (Total)
Use Arab Jewish Total
Cereal 12485 3720 16205
Plantation and Irrigable 12 28 40
Citrus and Bananas 1 87 88
12498 3835 16333 (97%)

Al-Manshiyya stood on a low, gradually sloping hill in the middle of a wide plain. It was located close to the administrative border between the sub-disctricts of Tulkarm and Haifa. The village lay 3 km east of the coastal highway, to which it was linked by a secondary road. Secondary roads also linked it to other villages. Al-Manshiyya's layout was rectangular. Some houses were built along the road to the village of Qaqun, in the south. The villagers traced their origin to the village of Abasan. Water for drinking and irrigation came from several wells around the site. Agriculture was based primarily on grain, although other fruits, including melons, were planted as well. In 1944/45 only 1 dunum was devoted to citrus and bananas and 12,485 dunums were allocated to cereals; 12 dunums were irrigated or used for orchards. Woodlands spread west and south of the village.

As early as 13 April, Haganah chief Israel Galili wrote to the Jewish National Fund that it was 'important to security' for settlements to be established at several sites on Haganah-occupied territory, including al-Manshiyya.

'On or about' 15 April 1948, the residents of al-Manshiyya evacuated their village and moved eastwards, according to Israeli historian Benny Morris. Morris interviewed the local Haganah intelligence officer in 1985, who claimed that he had pleaded with the villagers to remain and to accept Haganah protection. On their departure, the villagers had reached an agreement with Haganah representatives that local Jewish settlements would safeguard their property and allow them to return to their homes after the war. But by the end of the month, Morris notes, Haganah units were already at work systematically destroying their homes, with the assistance of Jewish settlements in the area. The Haganah General Staff had earlier decided that the whole area between Tel Aviv and the coastal settlement of Hadera (south of Haifa) should be empty of Arabs by 15 May.

The settlements of En ha-Choresh, founded in 1931, and Giv'at Chayyim, founded in 1932, were built on what was traditionally village land. Achituv, founded in 1951, is also on village land, east of the village site.

A paved street bisects the site. The Israeli settlement of Giv'at Chayyim lies on both sides of this street, and there is a large cow barn at the southern end of it. Cactuses grow near the village entrance. Stones from the destroyed village houses are used as boundaries between flower beds, especially those lying along the street. Cotton, pistachios, and fruits are grown on the surrounding land.