First Arab Summit
Cairo, 13-17 January 1964
The Conference of the Kings and Presidents of the States of the Arab League,
Taking note of the threats and continued acts of aggression committed by Israel since its eviction of the Palestine Arab people from their homeland, and its setting itself up as an occupying colonial force in their land, practicing racial discrimination against the Arab minority, following a policy based on aggression and fait accompli, persisting in disregarding the resolutions of the United Nations in support of the natural right of this people to return to its homeland and paying no attention to the repeated condemnations passed on it by the world organization,
And after discussing the imminent and grave new aggression intended by Israel concerning Arab waters by diverting the course of the Jordan River, thereby causing grave detriment to the rights of the Arabs who benefit by these waters, and aiming to realize expansionist Zionist ambitions by bringing in more reinforcements for the forces of aggression and establishing new positions from which to threaten the security of the Arab countries and their progress as well as world peace,
And in discharge of the legitimate duty of self defense, believing in the sacred right of the Palestine Arab people to self determination and the liberation of its homeland from Zionist colonization, and that Arab solidarity is the means to repel these colonialist ambitions and to realize legitimate common Arab interests and raise the standard of living for the mass of the people by carrying out legitimate projects,
Has taken the necessary practical decisions to repel the threatening Zionist danger, whether in the field of defense, the technical field or through organizing the Palestine people and enabling it to play its part in liberating its country and determining its future.
The Arab Kings and Presidents appeal in the name of the Arab nation to the states and peoples of the world which respect the sacred rights of individuals and peoples in their countries and their right to determine their future and utilize their resources, to support the Arab nation in repelling the new Israeli aggression.
They affirm that the Arabs, in their legitimate defensive position, will organise their political and economic relations with other states according to the attitude of these states towards the just Arab struggle against Zionist ambitions in the Arab world…
Source: Leila S. Kadi. Arab Summit Conferencs and the Palestine Problem (1936-1950), (1964-1966). Beirut: Research Center, Palestine Liberation Organization, 1966, pp. 197-199.