
Masil al-Jizl


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  • Unable to load CTools exportable Layer (ips_selectedvillageLayer).
  • Unable to load CTools exportable Layer (ips_villagemunicipalitylayer).
Masil al-Jizl — مَسِيل الجِزْل
Known also as: 'Arab al-Zinati, 'Arab Masil al-Jizl
Average Elevation
-250 m
Distance from Baysan
6 km
Year Arab Jews Total
1931 197
1944/45 100 180 280
Land Ownership (1944/45) in dunums
Year Arab Jewish Public Total
1944/45 * 976 2222 2675 5873
Land Use (1944/45) in dunums
Use Arab Jewish Public Total
Non-Cultivable & Built-up (Total) *
Use Arab Jewish Public Total
Non-Cultivable * 22 56 2228 2306
Built-up ** 40 40
22 96 2228 2346 (40%)
Cultivable (Total) **
Use Arab Jewish Public Total
Cereal * 702 877 447 2026
Plantation and Irrigable ** 252 1249 1501
954 2126 447 3527 (60%)
Number of Houses (1931)

The village stood on flat terrain and overlooked a wide, open area to the east, beyond which was the Jordan Valley. Two fords (makhadat ) across the Jordan called Makhadat al-Turaykhim and Makhadat al-Saghir constituted its gateway to the Jordan Valley in the east. One secondary road linked it to Baysan and another connected it to a highway leading from Baysan to Transjordan.

Masil al-Jizl was initially founded by members of the Arab al-Zinati Bedouin tribe. Some of their houses were scattered among the various springs from which they drew their water; others were clustered along the roads linking Masil al-Jizl to Baysan and other villages. Most of these houses were made of adobe and cane. The villagers were Muslims and earned their livelihood by cultivating crops such as grains and vegetables. In 1944/45 a total of 702 dunums was allocated to cereals; 252 dunums were irrigated or used for orchards. To the south of the village stretched the katar , a narrow strip of waste land along the Jordan, which was marked by palm trees growing along its edges. At least three archaeological sites flanked Masil al-Jizl: Tall al-Qitaf, Khirbat aI-Hajj Mahmud, and Tall al-Shaykh Dawud. They contained pottery fragments, flint artifacts, and the foundations of buildings. The remains of a small mosque were found nearby, at Tall al-Shaykh Muhammad al-Qabu, in 1929.

Although no specific information about the occupation of Masil al-Jizl is available, it can reasonably be assumed that the village was occupied at the same time as other villages on the Jordan River in the vicinity of Baysan. Most of those communities were overrun by the Golani Brigade at the end of May 1948. The villagers may have been expelled to Transjordan, as were other inhabitants of the area.

Zionists established the settlement of Kefar Ruppin to the north of the village in 1938 on what was traditionally village land.

The site is partly covered by fish ponds and by warehouses that belong to the kibbutz of Kefar Ruppin. Wadi Masil al-Jizl passes through this kibbutz.