
'Arab al-Fuqara'

'Arab al-Fuqara' — عَرَب الفُقَراء
Known also as: 'Arab al-Shaykh Muhammad al-Hilu
Average Elevation
25 m
Distance from Haifa
42 km
Year Arab Total
1944/45 310 310
Land Ownership (1944/45) in dunums
Year Arab Jewish Public Total
1944/45 15 2513 186 2714
Land Use (1944/45) in dunums
Use Arab Jewish Public Total
Non-Cultivable & Built-up (Total)
Use Arab Jewish Public Total
Non-Cultivable 15 770 186 971
Built-up 243 243
15 1013 186 1214 (45%)
Cultivable (Total)
Use Jewish Total
Cereal 900 900
Plantation and Irrigable 25 25
Citrus and Bananas 575 575
1500 1500 (55%)

The village was located in a flat, sandy area of the coastal plain, next to a secondary road that linked it to the coastal highway, to the east. It was not far from where Wadi al-Mafjar emptied into the Mediterranean, south of Wadi al-Mafjar and northwest of the Zionist town of Hadera (founded in 1890). This coastal area was generally swampy and malarial, and these conditions put limits on population growth in the area until the mid-1920s. The gradual expansion of the settlement of Hadera drastically reduced the land available to Arab al-Fuqara', until there was nothing left but a thin strip of land between Hadera and Wadi al-Mafjar. The inhabitants of Arab al-Fuqara' were descendants of a section of the al-Balawina Bedouin tribe, whose primary territory was near Bir al-Sabi'.

The northwestern sections of the settlement of Hadera occupy the site. These include a small neighborhood known as Newe Chayyim.

There are no landmarks or other signs of the village. Eucalyptus trees grow on the village site.