Palestinian National Conciliation Agreement:
Related Understandings Between Fatah and Hamas
Cairo, 4 May 2011.
Under the auspices of Egypt, delegations from the Fatah and Hamas movements met in Cairo on 27 April 2011 to discuss ending the political division and achieving reconciliation. On top of the issues were some reservations related to the Palestinian National Conciliation Agreement made in 2009.
Both sides agreed that the understandings reached on these reservations during the discussions will be binding on both of them when implementing the National Conciliation Agreement.
The understandings agreed upon by Fatah and Hamas are as follows:
1. Elections
A. Election Committee:
Fatah and Hamas agree to identify the names of the members of the Central Election Commission in agreement with the Palestinian factions. This list will then be submitted to the Palestinian President who will issue a decree on the composition of the commission.
B. Electoral Court:
Fatah and Hamas agree on the nomination of no more than twelve judges to be members of the Electoral Court. The list will then be submitted to the Palestinian President who will take the necessary legal measures to form the Electoral Court in agreement with the Palestinian factions.
C. Timing of Elections:
The Legislative, Presidential, and the Palestine National Council elections will be conducted at the same time, one year after the signing of the National Conciliation Agreement by the Palestinian factions and political forces.
2. Palestine Liberation Organization
Fatah and Hamas agree that the tasks and decisions of the interim leadership may not be hindered or obstructed, but should not conflict with the powers of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
3. Security:
The two sides affirm that the composition of the Higher Security Committee, whose formation will be enacted by a decree of the Palestinian President and which will consist of professional officers, will be by consensus.
A. Formation of the Government:
Fatah and Hamas agree that the formation of the Palestinian government and the appointment of the Prime Minister and Ministers will be made by consensus.
B. Tasks of the Government:
1. Prepare the environment for the holding of Presidential, Legislative and the Palestine National Council elections.
2. Supervise and address the internal Palestinian reconciliation issues resulting from the state of division.
3. Follow up the reconstruction operations in the Gaza Strip and the efforts to end the siege.
4. Follow up the implementation of the provisions of the National Conciliation Agreement.
5. Resolve the civil and administrative problems that resulted from the division.
6. Unify the Palestinian National Authority institutions in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem.
7. Regularize the situation of the associations and charities.
5. Legislative Council:
Fatah and Hamas agree to reactivate the Palestinian Legislative Council in accordance with the Basic Law.
Source: Majallat al-dirasat al-filastiniyya, no 87, Summer 2011.