League of Arab States
Protocol for the Treatment of Palestinians in Arab States
“The Casablanca Protocol”
Casablanca, 11 September 1965
The Council of Foreign Ministers of the Members States,
Recalling the Pact of the League of Arab States and its special Annex Regarding Palestine, the resolutions of the Council of the League of Arab States on the question of Palestine and in particular the resolution concerning the preservation of the Palestinian Entity,
Meeting in Casablanca on 10 September 1965,
Has agreed to the following provisions and has called upon the member states to take the necessary measures for their implementation:
1. While keeping their Palestinian nationality [and to the extent the social and economic conditions in the Lebanese Republic allow for this], Palestinians presently residing in the territory of... [there] shall be accorded the same treatment as regards the right to do business (work) and to be employed as if they were nationals.
2. When their interests so require, Palestinians presently residing in the territory of... shall have the right to leave the territory of this state and return to it [as if they were Lebanese nationals and in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations].
3. Palestinians residing in the territory of other Arab states shall have the right to enter and leave the territory of... when their interests so require [The right to enter Lebanese territory is conditional on having obtained an entry visa from the competent Lebanese authorities before]. Unless otherwise agreed by the competent authorities, this right to enter does not lead to a right of residence, except for the period and purpose specified.
4. Palestinians residing at present in the territory of..., as well as those who previously resided there prior to having emigrated, shall, upon their request, be provided with valid travel documents. The competent authorities, wherever located, shall issue or renew these documents without delay.
5. The member states of the Arab League shall accord to the holders of these travel documents the same treatment with respect to visas and residence as is accorded to nationals of Arab League states.
Note: Additions appearing in italics between brackets refer to Lebanon’s reservations dated 3 August 1966.
Source: Francesca P. Albanese and Lex Takkenberg. Palestinian Refugees in International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, pp. 500-501.