30 April 2003 A Performance-Based Roadmap to a Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
15 September 2020 Abraham Accords Peace Agreement: Treaty of Peace, Diplomatic Relations and Full Normalization Between the United Arab Emirates and the State of Israel
15 September 2020 Abraham Accords: Declaration of Peace, Cooperation, and Constructive Diplomatic and Friendly Relations, Announced by the State of Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain
14 March 1951 Agreement between the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan And the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
12 September 1950 Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Egypt And the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
12 October 1923 Arab Executive Committee's Response to High Commissioner's Offer to Form an Arab Agency Similar to the Jewish Agency in Palestine (in Arabic)
3 November 1969 Cairo Agreement between the Lebanese Authorities and the Palestinian Guerrilla Organizations
2 November 1932 Caricature: Balfour and the Woes His Ill-Fated Promise Brought to Palestine (Filastin Newspaper)
25 February 2017 - 26 February 2017 Closing Statement of the Popular Conference for the Palestinians Abroad (in Arabic)
16 September 1922 Council of the League of Nations: Article 25 of the Palestine Mandate: Approving the Memorandum by the British Representative
12 February 2020 Database of All Business Enterprises Involved in Israeli Settlement Activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
24 April 1950 Declaration of Jordan’s National Assembly, On the Unity between the Eastern and Western Banks of Jordan
25 March 1999 Declaration of the Heads of State or Government of the European Union On the Middle East Peace Process: The Berlin Declaration
1 June 1991 Exchange of Letters Between President Bush and Prime Minister Shamir on Proposed Peace Conference
20 December 2011 Implementation Mechanisms of the Palestinian National Conciliation Agreement: Minutes of Palestinian Factions' Meeting (in Arabic)
26 March 1979 Joint Letter from President Sadat and Prime Minister Begin to President Carter Concerning Negotiations on Self-Governing Authority in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
13 August 2020 Joint Statement of the United States, the State of Israel, and the United Arab Emirates
16 April 2001 Jordanian-Egyptian Proposal For an Israeli-Palestinian Cease-Fire and Resumption of Negotiations
25 February 1958 Law Promulgating the Basic Law for the Area under the Supervision of the Egyptian Forces in Palestine No. 255 of 1955 (in Arabic)
20 July 2017 Lebanese-Palestinian Dialogue Committee: Lebanese Working Group on Palestinian Refugee Affairs: A Unified Lebanese Vision For the Palestinian Refugees Affairs In Lebanon
4 May 2009 Letter Dated 4 May 2009 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council
15 May 1920 Letter from Palestinian Associations and Clubs to the Syrian Congress Presidency (in Arabic)
9 February 2000 List of Transitional Issues Not Implemented by the Israeli Side, According to the PA Negotiations Affairs Department (in Arabic)
1 November 2017 Mahmoud Abbas’s Op-Ed in The Guardian: Britain Must Atone for the Balfour Declaration – and 100 years of Suffering
17 April 2017 Marwan Barghouti’s Op-Ed in The New York Times: Why We Are on Hunger Strike in Israel’s Prisons
3 September 2020 Meeting of Palestinian Organizations' Secretaries-General: Final Communiqué (in Arabic)
1 September 1975 Memorandum of Agreement between the U.S. and Israel Regarding the Reconvening of the Geneva Conference
16 January 2009 Memorandum of Understanding between Israel and the United States Regarding Prevention of the Supply of Arms and Related Materiel to Terrorist Groups
20 December 1990 Note by the S.C. President: On the International Conference for Peace in the Middle East
22 April 1996 - 25 April 1996 Palestine National Council, 21st Session: Political Resolutions (in Arabic)
5 March 1971 Palestine National Council, 8th Session: Interim Political Program of the Palestine Revolution
4 May 2011 Palestinian National Conciliation Agreement: Related Understandings Between Fatah and Hamas
1 October 1948 Palestinian National Council in Gaza Declares the Independence of Palestine (in Arabic)
17 October 2005 Palestinian Parties and Factions Code of Conduct during the Legislative Electoral Process
26 December 2018 Palestinian Prime Minister's Letter to Secretary of State on No Longer Accepting US Assistance
1968 - 2000 Palestinian Workers in Israel as a Percentage of the Total Workforce in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
20 August 1982 Plan for the Departure from Lebanon of the PLO Leadership, Offices, and Combatants in Beirut
1 January 2001 PLO Negotiating Team Reservations Concerning President Bill Clinton’s 23 December Proposal for an Israeli-Palestinian Peace Agreement
19 May 2011 President Barack Obama's Address to the State Department Reframing U.S. Middle East Policy
25 March 2019 President Donald Trump: Proclamation on Recognizing the Golan Heights as Part of the State of Israel
14 December 1988 Press Conference Statement of Yasir Arafat Clarifying His Speech Before the UN General Assembly
27 March 2006 Prime Minister Elect Ismail Haniyeh Presents New Government’s Program To the Palestinian Legislative Council
28 February 2019 Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry: On the Protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
12 March 1930 Report of the Shaw Commission on the al-Buraq / Western Wall Disturbances of August, 1929
27 April 2015 Report of the UNHِQ Board of Inquiry Into Incidents Affecting UNRWA Schools during the 2014 Gaza War
1 December 1930 Report “to Determine the Rights and Claims of Moslems and Jews in Connection with the Western or Wailing Wall at Jerusalem”
10 October 1989 Secretary of State James Baker's: Five Points Framework for an Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue
4 December 1975 Security Council Decision Inviting the PLO to Participate in its Debate on the Situation in the Middle East
11 October 1993 Shimon Peres's Letter Concerning Reassurances on Palestinian Institutions in Jerusalem
15 March 1972 Speech by Jordan’S King Hussein, Proposing a United Arab Kingdom in the Event of a Peaceful Settlement
5 November 1963 Speech of Ahmad al-Shuqairi, Head of the Palestine Delegation, before the UN Special Political Committee (in Arabic)
8 December 1977 Statement by Palestinian Institutions in the Occupied Territories on Sadat’s Visit to Israel
15 May 1948 Statement by the Governments of the Arab League States on the Occasion of the Entry of the Arab Armies in Palestine
23 April 2014 Statement Issued after a PLO-Hamas Meeting to End Division and Implement the National Reconciliation Agreement (in Arabic)
21 November 2017 - 22 November 2017 Statement Issued Following the Meeting of the Palestinian National Action Factions (in Arabic)
20 December 2019 Statement of ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda On Opening an Investigation into War Crimes in Palestine
8 July 1922 Statement of the Executive Committee of the 4th Palestinian National Congress Rejecting the British Mandate (in Arabic)
1 September 1922 Statement of the Executive Committee of the 5th Palestinian National Congress on Boycotting the Legislative Council Elections (in Arabic)
18 February 1985 Statement of the PLO Executive Committee on the Palestinian-Jordanian Joint Action Agreement (in Arabic)
11 January 2017 Statement of the Preparatory Committee for the Palestine National Council (in Arabic)
26 December 1994 The Knesset Law Concerning the Implementation of the Agreement on Gaza and Jericho Areas (Restrictions of Activity) 1994
10 April 2002 The Quartet (UN, EU, Russia, US) Communiqué on the Situation in the Occupied Territories
3 June 1980 The Regional Committee of the Heads of Arab Local Authorities in Israel Statement On the Assassination Attempts Against West Bank Mayors
13 December 1988 Yasir Arafat’s Speech Before the Forty-Third Session of the United Nations General Assembly